You will find out more about who you are meant to be, by putting your hands to work, than you will any other way. Join the community of passionate people doing their part to create a space for others.


The creative team is the expession of our church. Capturing and creating fresh content to share with our comunity and the community we serve. No matter your skill there is a part for you to play helping us make everything we do special. 


Our connection team is all about helping new people connect, find their place and theirselves. God has gifting everyone with a unique purpose and our connection team helps people connect with theirs.  



The worship team serves to create an atmosphere that glorifies God and creates an environment for the Holy Spirit to move within our Church. If you feel God has placed a calling on your life to be a part of the worship team, we would love to have you sign up and be a part of our team.



The production team utilizes audio, visual, video, and technical elements to support and enhance the many elements of our services.  This team has a heart for the details and how they fit and contribute into the overall service. If you would love to serve on this team or learn more about production, we would love for you to sign up! No skill sets or experience is required.



The little (and Big) arrows in our quiver are precious to us! It is an honor to host them at our services. If you love working with kids, then we would love for you to sign up. We have a lot of opportunities to serve these amazing kiddos!



The atmosphere team is the hands and feet of the Welcome Home mandate that is on our House. It is all about making sure people are hosted well, have the information they need to get involved, and feel connected.